Last Revised April 2024
​TEME, a U.S. Masters Swimming (USMS) Gold Club team, welcomes and fully supports team members of all levels of swimming background and ability. “Masters” refers to athletes ages eighteen and over, not expert level swimming. Our coaches and volunteers recognize the dignity of each person and refrain from behaviors or words that are disrespectful of any one or any group.
It is a team priority to provide a rewarding experience to the entire swimming community. TEME welcomes and fully supports team members of all sexual and gender identities, socioeconomic status, national origins, races, and religions. We offer our members an environment that seeks to ensure the safety and inclusion of all members, and any athletes and/or spectators who attend our team sponsored events.
By registering as members of TEME, all members acknowledge and accept that the opportunity to participate in TEME team activities is a privilege, and as such shall conduct themselves with integrity and in a manner consistent with TEME’s team mission at all times. Therefore, members agree to the following:
All team members shall respect and protect the privileges of others who share and participate in TEME activities. TEME reserves the right to revoke the privileges of membership. Participation in team practices and/or events may be withdrawn or denied if the conduct of a member or prospective member is inconsistent with the mission of TEME, U.S. Masters Swimming, or the best interest of the sport.
All members are expected to maintain an environment of respect, free from rude and discourteous behavior, harassment, intimidation, and violence (including threats of violence). Members shall refrain from publicly judging, criticizing, or otherwise creating a hostile environment. Physically or verbally abusive behavior is unacceptable at practices, in the locker rooms, and at any TEME-sponsored activity or event.
Members shall obey all team, facility, and government-imposed rules, and share the pool responsibly and courteously.
Members shall respect the decisions and judgment of the coaches while at practice.
The Board of Directors of Temescal Aquatic Masters Swimming Association adopts United States Master Swimming Association (USMS) Bylaws Article 402 – “Conduct of Members” and any violation shall be considered “misconduct prejudicial to the best interests of the organization.” Unsporting conduct (Article 402.4), or other conduct inconsistent with TEME’s Code of Conduct that will result in disciplinary action, includes, but is not limited to:
Any act of fraud, deception, dishonesty, or knowingly providing false information.
Any intentional non-consensual physical contact, obscene language or gestures, or other threatening language or conduct directed toward other club members, coaches, facility staff, volunteers and any other person participating in any capacity whatsoever in the affairs and activities of TEME.
Any non-consensual sexual conduct, pattern of unwelcome sexual advances, or other inappropriate sexually oriented behavior or action by a team member toward another team member, coach, facility staff, volunteers or any other person participating in any capacity whatsoever in the affairs or activities of TEME.
Any form of harassment, hazing, or bullying, either in-person or via social media postings.
In the event a conflict among members arises based on alleged misconduct, the members may:
Try to work out differences among themselves,
Ask the Head Coach or coach on deck to intervene in an attempt to reach a remedy, or
Submit a written complaint to the Head Coach or Board President if the member(s) considers the alleged misconduct to be prejudicial to the best interests of the organization. This option may be invoked when the nature and severity of the conduct warrant possible disciplinary action.
If there is no Head Coach employed at the time the written complaint is filed or the Head Coach is unavailable, the written complaint should be submitted to the Board President who will appoint two or three board members to oversee the complaint.
If the complaint is against the Board President, then the written complaint may be made to the Head Coach, Vice President or another member of the Board.
A coach on deck may also file a written complaint involving alleged misconduct by a member(s).
In any written complaint, the complaining party must submit facts in writing supporting the alleged misconduct. The head coach (or appointed board members) may also gather facts from any interested party who has knowledge of the misconduct and require them to submit their observations in writing. Confidentiality of the complaint and the name(s) of the parties involved will be maintained to the extent possible. Complaints should be based on violations of conduct mentioned in these policies and not on personal opinions or personal assessment of character.
Upon receipt of a member’s written complaint, the Head Coach (or appointed board members) shall:
Notify the member(s) accused of misconduct in writing of the allegations of misconduct and furnish a copy of the allegations submitted by the accusing member. Names and information may be redacted to the extent it is necessary to prevent confidentiality.
Inform the accused member of his or her right to respond in writing, share the TEME Code of Conduct and Grievance Policies and answer any initial questions.
Notify the accused member(s) of his or her right to appear before the head coach (or appointed board members) to respond to the allegations.
If a member so accused fails to respond within 21 days from the date of notice of the allegations of misconduct, the head coach and board may make a finding, taking such action as necessary to remedy the situation.
In no event shall any complaint remain unresolved for more than 30 days.
The head coach is responsible for disciplining team members for violations of the Code of Conduct. The head coach will use reasonable judgment based on the following factors:
The nature and severity of the conduct.
The intention of the party engaged in conduct contrary to the Code of Conduct.
Any prior disciplinary actions regarding the team member.
The adverse effect of the conduct on other team members.
The application of the Code of Conduct.
The head coach shall keep the Board President fully informed during the resolution process and may at any time request advice and assistance from the TEME Board of Directors in resolving a grievance. A written record of the final resolution will be kept by the Board Secretary.
The decision of the head coach or Board of Directors in regard to any complaint, and any resulting disciplinary action is final.
Any violation of the TEME’s Code of Conduct, as determined by either the head coach or the TEME Board of Directors, may result in the following notifications and/or penalties:
Private verbal reprimand.
Removal from practice or team activity.
Implementation of a probationary period.
Suspension from practices or team activities.
Revocation of team membership, and a ban from returning to the team in the future.
Notification to USMS of violations under Article 402 of the USMS Rule Book available online at www.usms.org.
Notification to the local authorities should the violation be illegal or criminal in nature. ​